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It all started with a tweet:












Inspired by how Inktober encourages visual artists to have fun with their art without pressure, we created #Flashtober, a month-long writing event to generate flash fiction and nonfiction.


Beginning October 1st and ending October 31st, we challenge you to write a daily flash piece. We'll post prompts on our social media each day to inspire your work and then we'll share the posts we see. The purpose of #Flashtober is to foster an online writing community and to let writers have fun! See below for more details.


#Flashtober Rules(that are meant to be broken)

  1. Write up to 1,000 words based on the prompt (see below)

  2. Share a snippet on social media

  3. Hashtag your post with #Flashtober and #MentalPapercuts



With our prompts, we encourage you to write something short for yourself... 


However, if you’re feeling confident with your work, think about submitting it to us. We open for submissions in early 2020. Mental Papercuts embraces the prickliest of flash fiction and nonfiction. We’d love to see what you came up with during this second #Flashtober.


Until then, happy writing!


- The Mental Papercuts Team



The Prompts:

(updated daily)

What is #Flashtober?

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